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A Festival With A Rich History

Dragon Boat Festival: A Vibrant Celebration of Chinese Culture

A Festival with a Rich History

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Double Fifth Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. Its origins can be traced back to ancient China, where it was believed that the fifth month was unlucky and associated with disease and evil spirits. To ward off these negative forces, people would hang calamus and wormwood on their doors and windows, drink realgar wine, and race dragon boats.

Celebrations Around the World

The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated in many countries around the world, including Taiwan. In Taiwan, the festival is a major holiday vacation during which people engage in various traditional activities, such as:

Dragon Boat Racing

Dragon boat racing is the most popular activity associated with the Dragon Boat Festival. Teams of paddlers race elaborately decorated dragon boats in rivers and lakes across Taiwan.

Eating Zongzi

Zongzi are steamed glutinous rice dumplings filled with various ingredients such as meat, vegetables, or sweet paste. They are a traditional food eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival.

Hanging Calamus and Wormwood

As a way to ward off evil spirits, people hang calamus and wormwood on their doors and windows during the Dragon Boat Festival.

A Lasting Impression

The Dragon Boat Festival is a vibrant and colorful celebration that showcases the rich cultural heritage of China and Taiwan. It is a time for families and friends to come together, enjoy traditional activities, and honor the spirit of this ancient holiday. As you witness the spectacle of dragon boat races and partake in the festivities, may the Dragon Boat Festival leave a lasting impression on you, reminding you of the importance of tradition, community, and the enduring spirit of Chinese culture.
